[Numpy-discussion] Buildbot status

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Mon Jul 2 21:31:11 EDT 2012

Ondrej should have time to work on this full time in the coming days.  

I think your list, Stefan, is as complete a list as we have.  A few interns have investigated Team City and other CI systems and a combination of Jenkins and Travis CI has been suggested. 

NumFocus can provide some funding needed for maintaining servers, etc, but keeping build bots active requires the efforts of multiple volunteers. 
If anyone has build machines to offer, please let Ondrej know so he can coordinate getting Jenkins slaves onto them and hooking them up to the master. 

Ondrej would especially appreciate any experience with Windows nodes.

Best regards,


Travis Oliphant
(on a mobile)

On Jul 2, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at sun.ac.za> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.certik at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, definitely. I will have time to work on the tests in about 2 weeks.
>> Could you coordinate with Travis? He can make it "official".
> I'd gladly coordinate with everyone, but I'd like to do it here on the
> mailing list so that we're on the same page.  Numerous parties have
> spoken about this informally, but now there are multiple efforts that
> I'd like to consolidate.
> Here are some questions we need to answer:
> 1) Do we keep the current buildbot.scipy.org?
> I suggest that we move it to the EC2 machine, if we do.  Both Chris
> Ball and Matthew Brett has set up fairly sophisticated buildbots
> before, so we can leverage their knowledge.
> 2) Do we switch to another system, such as Jenkins?  It seems as
> though you've investigated some of those alternatives.  Did you also
> look at TeamCity?
> If anyone needs access to the EC2 machine, just let me know.
> Regards
> Stéfan
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