[Numpy-discussion] OT: MS C++ AMP library

Samuel John scipy at samueljohn.de
Thu Jan 26 08:04:49 EST 2012

Yes, I agree 100%.

On 26.01.2012, at 10:19, Sturla Molden wrote:
> When we have nice libraries like OpenCL, OpenGL and OpenMP, I am so glad 
> we have Microsoft to screw it up.
> Congratulations to Redmond: Another C++ API I cannot read, and a 
> scientific compute library I hopefully never have to use.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh265136(v=vs.110).aspx
> The annoying part is, with this crap there will never be a standard 
> OpenCL DLL in Windows.
> Sturla Molden

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