[Numpy-discussion] Release management (was: Updated differences between 1.5.1 to 1.6.1)

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Tue Feb 14 16:58:33 EST 2012

> Travis, it's very good to see that the release manager role can be filled going forward (it's not the most popular job), but I think the way it should work is that people volunteer for this role and then the community agrees on giving a volunteer that role. 
> I actually started contributing when David asked for someone to take over from him in the above manner. Maybe someone else will step up now, giving you or Mark more time to work on new NumPy features (which I'm pretty sure you'd prefer).

A lovely suggestion.   If there is someone who would like to step up?   We can train you....


> Cheers,
> Ralf
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