[Numpy-discussion] @Dag re numpy.pxd

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 09:50:19 EST 2012

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Gordon L. Kindlmann <glk at uchicago.edu>wrote:

> Hello,
> This (below) caught my eye and I'm wondering what further information is
> available?
> I very much value the ability to wrap underlying array data from numpy for
> processing in non-python libraries, as well as the ability to wrap numpy
> arrays around array data allocated by non-python libraries.
> Is this capability going to be removed?
No. But we are going to try making some things go through functions. The
problem with direct access is that we can't modify structures and
implementations while maintaining backward compatibility and that will be
limiting going forward.


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