[Numpy-discussion] Migrating issues to GitHub

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 15:54:56 EST 2012

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:
> The lack of attachments is the main problem with this transition. It's
> not so seldom that numerical input data or scripts demonstrating an
> issue come useful. This is probably less of an issue for Numpy than for
> Scipy, though.

We've taken to using gist for scripts/data and free image hosting
sites for screenshots, using

<img src="http://.... /img>

to show the screenshot in the bug report when relevant.  Not always
ideal, but it does get the job done, and actually with gist, it's kind
of nice that the 'attachment' can evolve with version control too.

The lack of real priorities *is* a hassle, at least for me.  I
understand the rationale behind a very simple UI and unstructured
labels, but priority is such a central concept to bug tracking that
its absence is a shortcoming, pure and simple.

In summary, in IPython we've been using the gh tracker for almost 2
years, and since the updates to issues 2.0, with milestones and
individual assignee fields, they are quite serviceable.  In the
balance, I feel the benefits of tight integration with the rest of the
site outweigh the limitations, though I'll be very happy if those
limitations are removed in future upgrades to the site.



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