[Numpy-discussion] What is consensus anyway

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Wed Apr 25 17:35:16 EDT 2012

> Do you agree that Numpy has not been very successful in recruiting and
> maintaining new developers compared to its large user-base?
> Compared to - say - Sympy?
> Why do you think this is?

I think it's mostly because it's infrastructure that is a means to an end.   I certainly wasn't excited to have to work on NumPy originally, when my main interest was SciPy.    I've come to love the interesting plateau that NumPy lives on.    But, I think it mostly does the job it is supposed to do.     The fact that it is in C is also not very sexy.   It is also rather complicated with a lot of inter-related parts.   

I think NumPy could do much, much more --- but getting there is going to be a challenge of execution and education.  

You can get to know the code base.  It just takes some time and patience.   You also have to be comfortable with compilers and building software just to tweak the code.     

> Would you consider asking that question directly on list and asking
> for the most honest possible answers?

I'm always interested in honest answers and welcome any sincere perspective.  


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