[Numpy-discussion] What is consensus anyway

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 01:18:27 EDT 2012

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:02 PM,  <josef.pktd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry that I missed this part of numpy history, I always had the
> impression that numpy is run by a community led by Chuck and the young
> guys, David, Pauli, Stefan, Pierre; and Robert on the mailing list .
> (But I came late, and am just a balcony muppet.)

Travis, when you have a free minute (ha :)  it would be very nice if
you wrote up a blog post with some of the history from say the 2000s
with Numeric, through Numarray and into Numpy.  Some of us saw all
that happen first hand and know it well, but since most of it simply
happened on mailing lists, conferences and assorted meetings, it's
actually quite hard to understand that history if you arrive now.
It's not really written up anywhere, and nobody is going to read 10
years' worth of email archives :)

Guido a while back wrote a fantastic set of posts on the history of
python itself that I've greatly enjoyed:


something similar for numpy would be nice to have...

Though thinking more about it, perhaps a better alternative could be a
'history of the scipy world' where multiple people could write guest
posts about each project they've had a part of.  I think something
like that could be a lot of fun, and also useful :)



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