[Numpy-discussion] YouTrack testbed

Bryan Van de Ven bryanv at continuum.io
Mon Apr 9 16:32:22 EDT 2012

On 4/3/12 4:18 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> Here some first impressions.
> The good:
> - It's responsive!
> - It remembers my preferences (view type, # of issues per page, etc.)
> - Editing multiple issues with the command window is easy.
> - Search and filter functionality is powerful
> The bad:
> - Multiple projects are supported, but issues are then really mixed. 
> The way this works doesn't look very useful for combined admin of 
> numpy/scipy trackers.
> - I haven't found a way yet to make versions and subsystems appear in 
> the one-line issue overview.
> - Fixed issues are still shown by default. There are several open 
> issues filed against youtrack about this, with no reasonable answers.
> - Plain text attachments (.txt, .diff, .patch) can't be viewed, only 
> downloaded.
> - No direct VCS integration, only via Teamcity (not set up, so can't 
> evaluate).
> - No useful default views as in Trac 
> (http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/report).

Ralf,  regarding some of the issues:

I think for numpy/scipy trackers, we could simply run separate instances 
of YouTrack for each. Also we can certainly create some standard 
queries. It's a small pain not to have useful defaults, but it's only a 
one-time pain. :)

Also, what kind of integration are you looking for with github? There 
does appear to be the ability to issue commands to youtrack through git 
commits, which does not depend on TeamCity, as best I can tell:


I'm not sure this is what you were thinking about though.

For the other issues, Maggie or I can try and see what we can find out 
about implementing them, or working around them, this week.

Of course, we'd like to evaluate any other viable issue trackers as 
well. Do you have any suggestions for other systems besides YouTrack?


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