[Numpy-discussion] oblique text

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Tue Oct 4 16:22:48 EDT 2011

04.10.2011 21:10, Alexandre Leray kirjoitti:
> But it is not very flexible. For instance, I'd like to control the "line
> spacing" (by adding extra spaces in between letters since it isn't real
> lines). I just found numpy and I have the intuition that it could do the
> job since it deals with matrices.
> Am I right? If so how would you do such a thing?

import numpy as np

def make_oblique(words):
     n = max(2*len(word) for word in words) + len(words)
     canvas = np.zeros((n, n), dtype='S1')
     canvas[...] = ' ' # ye mighty FORTRAN, we beseech thee

     for j, word in enumerate(words):
         i = np.arange(len(word))
         canvas[i+j, 2*i] = list(word)

     canvas[:,-1] = '\n'
     return canvas.tostring().rstrip()

Pauli Virtanen

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