[Numpy-discussion] Python memory management issues using Linux. Maybe Numpy, related.

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Sun May 22 09:42:41 EDT 2011

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Jeffrey Spencer <jeffspencerd at gmail.com>wrote:

> Sorry. I attached here the class and script to run it. It is just a
> minimalistic example of what I'm really doing that exhibits the same
> behavior. All the script does is run at.createSpecific after instantiating
> the class. I have seen this exhibited on many other cases but it runs fine
> in Windows XP. Here is what the script does:
> import MemoryLeak
> at = MemoryLeak.Model()
> at.createSpecific()
> That manages to eat up all my cpu cycles for about 5 minutes, but no leak
(on OS X). I also don't see anything in the code that can potentially give
problems. I suggest you strip this down a lot more so you can isolate the

If in your original code you were making a lot of figures in one of those
for loops without explicitly closing them, that could perhaps be a problem.
But you removed all I/O and matplotlib related code already (except for
imports and some keywords).

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