[Numpy-discussion] loadmat output (was Re: Accessing elements of an object array)

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 18:05:00 EDT 2011


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:56 PM,  <lists_ravi at lavabit.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 15:18,  <lists_ravi at lavabit.com> wrote:
>>> In [10]: x
>>> Out[10]:
>>> array(array((7.399500875785845e-10, 7.721153414752673e-10, -0.984375),
>>> Â  Â  Â dtype=[('cl', '|O8'), ('tl', '|O8'), ('dagc', '|O8')]),
>>> dtype=object)
>>> In [11]: x.shape, x.size
>>> Out[11]: ((), 1)
>> It's not that it's an object array. It's that it is a ()-shape array.
>> You index it with an empty tuple:
>>   x[()]
> Why does loadmat return such arrays? Is there a way to make it produce
> arrays that are not object arrays?

Did you find the struct_as_record option to loadmat?




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