[Numpy-discussion] pull request review: deprecating PyArrayObject* direct field access

Mark Wiebe mwwiebe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 17:06:02 EDT 2011


This pull request deprecates direct access to PyArrayObject fields. This
direct access has been discouraged for a while through comments in the
header file and documentation, but up till now, there was no way to disable
it. I've created such a mechanism, and C extensions can test that they don't
use deprecated C API by #defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API at the top of the C

I've confirmed that scipy master builds against this branch, and its test
failures look unrelated to these changes (iterative methods failures).
Additional testing of different versions and platforms would be appreciated!

This also includes a few other miscellaneous changes:

- improve error message in PyArray_FromArray
- some missingdata NEP changes
- allow comma-separated dtype strings to include datetime metadata
- http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/466

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