[Numpy-discussion] numpy build issue on i7-2600K CPU

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 11 15:31:15 EDT 2011

Hi Christoph,

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke at uci.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> building numpy 1.6.1rc2 on Windows, i7-2600K CPU, with msvc9 failed with
> the following error:
> File "numpy/core/setup_common.py", line 271, in long_double_representation
>    raise ValueError("Could not lock sequences (%s)" % saw)
> ValueError: Could not lock sequences (None)
> This problem has been mentioned before at <http://mail.scipy.org/**
> pipermail/numpy-discussion/**2011-March/055571.html<http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2011-March/055571.html>
> >.
> Opening the configtest.obj file in binary mode fixed the issue for me. A
> patch is attached.

I did see this, just not before I tagged 1.6.1rc3. If it's reviewed/tested I
think it's a simple enough change that it can go in without requiring a new

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