[Numpy-discussion] NEPaNEP lessons - was: alterNEP

Jason Grout jason-sage at creativetrax.com
Sat Jul 2 08:29:17 EDT 2011

On 7/2/11 6:54 AM, Matthew Brett wrote:
> Why5: Because there was a belief that implementation was more
> important than discussion

I hesitate to jump into the discussion here, but it seems to me that 
Mark and others were making the point that beginning implementation 
*informs* the discussion in a very valuable way.  In a case like this 
where it seems like the differences are fundamentally based on untested 
assumptions (e.g., "this would be confusing" or "the consistency would 
provide greater benefits than any confusion"), it seems that having an 
implementation to play around with is a very valuable thing.  Release 
early and often, etc.

Of course, it should also be pointed out that Mark and others are trying 
to have a conference call, where (as they said it) the communication 
bandwidth is greater, which hopefully would lead to more effective and 
clear communication.  I see that as a very responsible thing to do, 
given the intensity of some of the feelings in this discussion.



Jason Grout

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