[Numpy-discussion] Numexpr giving randomized results on arrays larger than 2047 elements

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Tue Jan 25 09:08:15 EST 2011

A Monday 24 January 2011 18:47:58 John Salvatier escrigué:
> Hello,
> I have discovered a strange bug with numexpr. numexpr.evaluate gives
> randomized results on arrays larger than 2047 elements. The following
> program demonstrates this:
> from numpy import *
> from numexpr import evaluate
> def func(x):
>     return evaluate("sum(x, axis = 0)")
> x = zeros(2048)+.01
> print evaluate("sum(x, axis = 0)")
> print evaluate("sum(x, axis = 0)")
> For me this prints different results each time, for example:
> 11.67
> 14.84
> If we set the size to 2047 I get consistent results.
> 20.47
> 20.47
> Interestingly, if I do not add .01 to x, it consistently sums to 0.

I'm about to release Numexpr 1.4.2 that should fix this.  Could you give 
it a try at the tarball in?:

python setup.py sdist


Francesc Alted

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