[Numpy-discussion] unique 2d arrays

Peter Schmidtke pschmidtke at mmb.pcb.ub.es
Tue Sep 21 02:55:35 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I'd like to know if there is a pythonic / numpy way of retrieving unique
lines of a 2d numpy array.

In a way I have this :

[[409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [409 152]
 [426 193]
 [431 129]]

And I'd like to get this :

[[409 152]
 [426 193]
 [431 129]]

How can I do this without workarounds like string concatenation or such
things? Numpy.unique flattens the whole array so it's not really of use


-- Peter Schmidtke

PhD Student
Dept. Physical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Barcelona

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