[Numpy-discussion] vectorize doesn't like functools.partial

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 10:53:20 EDT 2010

josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I  try to use vectorize on the result of functools.partial, I seem to
>> get:
>> ValueError: failed to determine the number of arguments for
>> <functools.partial object at 0x4e396d8>
>> Anything I can do about it?
> Set .nin (attribute of vectorized function, I think) directly with
> number of arguments (int)
> Josef
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Not sure what you mean.  Here is a demo of 2 problems of interop of numpy 
and functools.partial.  Tried both vectorize and frompyfunc.  vectorize 
ValueError: failed to determine the number of arguments for 
<functools.partial object at 0x230b1b0>

frompyfunc gives:
TypeError: H() got multiple values for keyword argument 'iir'

Note that doc for frompyfunc says:
"Takes an arbitrary Python function..."

import numpy as np

class iir (object):
    def H (z):
        return 1
def H (iir, f):
    z = complex (cos (2*pi*f/fs), sin (2*pi*f/fs))
    return iir.H (z)
f = np.linspace (0, 10e6, 1000)
from functools import partial
the_iir = iir()
p = partial (H, iir=the_iir)
resp_pll = np.vectorize (p)(f)
resp_pll = np.frompyfunc (p, 1, 1)(f)

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