[Numpy-discussion] Github migration?

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 22:07:16 EDT 2010

Hi Jason,

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Jason McCampbell <jmccampbell at enthought.com
> wrote:

> Hi Chuck (and anyone else interested),
> I updated the refactoring page on the NumPy developer wiki (seems to be
> down or I'd paste in the link).  It certainly isn't complete, but there are
> a lot more details about the data structures and memory handling and an
> outline of some additional topics that needs to be filled in.
I note that there are some C++ style comments in the code which will cause
errors on some platforms, so I hope you are planning on removing them at
some point. Also,

if (yes) foo;

is very bad style. There is a lot of that in old code like that that still
needs to be cleaned up, but I also see some in the new code. It would be
best to get it right to start with.


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