[Numpy-discussion] Another merge at github

Pearu Peterson pearu.peterson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 02:42:28 EDT 2010

On 10/16/2010 09:53 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:
> Here
> <http://github.com/numpy/numpy/commit/43b05fdd1c0ba1c6686297d16d257985dd986d3b>.
> This looks harmless but it makes the history really ugly. We need to get
> the word out *not* to do things this way.

Sorry, that was me and my git ignorance. I was trying to commit a small
patch but got push rejection. I presumed that my tree was not updated. 
So I did `git pull` and then `git push` again which resulted the 
unindented merge above.

I see that there are long discussions in numpy ml about the git usage 
and mis usage. I wonder whether this has converged to something that
could be used as reference for git beginners like me.

Thanks and sorry about messing up the history,

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