[Numpy-discussion] Need help for the migration from Numeric to numpy

Frank Thommen structures-it at embl-heidelberg.de
Fri Oct 15 13:34:05 EDT 2010

Fernando Perez wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Christopher Barker
> <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>> We are speaking of potentially several hundred files.  It's part of the
>>> scientific work of the user of the last nine years...
>> Let's hope he's got some tests!
> Yup.  I converted a very complex code from Numeric to numpy years ago
> (around the numpy 1.0 release timeframe), and it was a single (long,
> intense and focused) day's work.  But that was thanks to a very solid
> test suite that let me be systematic and dumb about the whole thing
> (careful, but dumb).

Yes, we can compare the outputs with existing data, that was created 
with the current scripts.  Still: It's all manual work as these are all 
individual scripts to process scientific data.

> With no good test coverage, let's just say that the OP's colleague is
> in for a personal replay of the painful minefield scene in the BAT*21
> movie :) [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094712]

Great movie, isn't it? :-)


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