[Numpy-discussion] curious about how people would feel about moving to github

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Thu May 27 03:43:51 EDT 2010

2010/5/27 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at sun.ac.za>

> On 26 May 2010 23:27, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Exactly. I had a private bet with myself that that would be the case.
> See,
> > it isn't so much different after all. The tools change, but the problems
> and
> > solutions remain much the same.
> In this case, I believe the tool may be part of the solution. With
> limited manpower at our disposal, having a somewhat painful process
> certainly doesn't help.
It should help. A commitment to doing reviews is probably more important
here than submitting for review. It's less fun than development and takes a
certain commitment. Of course, there are probably some perverts out there
who find it enjoyable. I hope we find some.

> - Working with patches is unreliable (check out all the patches in
> Trac that don't apply cleanly and how much effort it will be to fix
> them).  Distributed revision control provides a much better structure
> within which to manage patches.
Two year old patches are always going to be a problem. The real fix here is
not to let things languish.

> - Merging in SVN is horrible and will never encourage branches.
> Without branches, trunk becomes turbulent easily.
True. Although there would need to be more activity to get to true

> - We currently don't have any code review in place.  This isn't SVN's
> fault, but tools such as GitHub's compare view
> (http://github.com/blog/612-introducing-github-compare-view) look
> really promising
> Maybe most importantly, distributed revision control places any
> possible contributor on equal footing with those with commit access;
> this is one important step in making contributors feel valued.
Well, not quite. They can't commit to the main repository. I think the main
thing is to be responsive: fast review, quick commit. And quick to offer
commit rights to anyone who sends in more that a couple of decent patches.
Maybe we should take a vow to review one patch a week.

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