[Numpy-discussion] missing='' not documented in genfromtxt()

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Fri May 14 14:06:31 EDT 2010

On May 13, 2010, at 11:51 PM, Vincent Davis wrote:
>> Because the use of `missing` is deprecated (try to use anything but '' for missing, and you'll get a deprecation warning).
>> Use `missing_values` instead.
> I wasn't using 'missing' but was wondering what it did.
> @Pierre, Stéfan van der Walt suggested that genfromtxt was your baby
> :)

I'd say *creature* ;). Initially, it's a rip-off from an equivalent function in matplotlib (props to John D. Hunter for the original), but it got reorganized and patched over the months...

> Anyway I have a bug reported for genfromtxt with the fix Stéfan
> used on recfromcsv, I have thought about addressing it but was giving
> you a chance, but I didn't know who "you" where,
> http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/1473

I followed the discussion on pystatmodels from a distance. The explanation that was given on why you get a IOError looks like the correct one indeed, but I'll investigate that further on that this week-end...

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