[Numpy-discussion] embedding/extending numpy:import_array() problem

tino tinauser at libero.it
Wed May 5 06:30:07 EDT 2010

Hi guys,
I've a C++ code that calls a python script. The python script, in turn, should
use C modules to retrieve data (arrays).

I'm having some problem with import_array.
I've placed the import_array() just after the initialization of the interpreter
and after PyInit_module

	Py_InitModule("py_c_if", PY_C_IF_Methods);  
This are inside a function called main_PYinit,called within the main C function.
When I tryed to compile, I got the at the line of import_array the error
"function must return a value". If I change the __multiarray_api.h and make
import_array() a function with void instead of #define, the compiltion succeed.
However, when then I try to use some API function I get problems.In particular I
used this code:

	char *camera_buffer = cam_data;
	npy_int dim[] = {rows,cols}; /* whatever the size of your data, in C-order */
	PyObject *myarray;
	double *array_buffer;
	myarray = PyArray_SimpleNew(2, &dim, NPY_INT);
	array_buffer = (double *)PyArray_DATA(myarray);
	for (int i=0; i<rows*cols; i++) *array_buffer++ = (double) *camera_buffer++; 

	return PyArray_Return(myarray);

And I goit this error:
.\EyeSeeMain.cpp(242) : error C2664: 'PyObject *(PyTypeObject *,int,npy_intp
*,int,npy_intp *,void *,int,int,PyObject *)' : cannot convert parameter 2 from
'npy_intp *' to 'int'

for all the paramters of PyArray_SimpleNew.
It seems that the complier did ot see the definition of PyAray_SimpleNew...

Any help is grealy appreciated.


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