[Numpy-discussion] how to work with numpy.int8 in c

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Tue Mar 2 19:48:04 EST 2010

James Bergstra wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Warren Weckesser
> <warren.weckesser at enthought.com> wrote:
>> James Bergstra wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Christopher Barker
>>> <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>>> James Bergstra wrote:
>>>>> Maybe I'm missing something... but I don't think I want to create an array.
>>>>> In [3]: import numpy
>>>>> In [4]: type(numpy.int8())
>>>>> Out[4]: <type 'numpy.int8'>
>>>>> In [5]: isinstance(numpy.int8(), numpy.ndarray)
>>>>> Out[5]: False
>>>> right, it's a type object:
>>>> In [13]: type(np.uint8)
>>>> Out[13]: <type 'type'>
>>> Agreed :)
>>>>> I want to create one of those numpy.int8 guys.
>>> np.int8 is a type, and so is numpy.ndarray.  And they are different.
>>> There's lots of docs about how to make arrays, but how do I make a
>>> scalar?
>> In [1]: import numpy as np
>> In [2]: x = np.uint8(23)
>> In [3]: x
>> Out[3]: 23
>> In [4]: type(x)
>> Out[4]: <type 'numpy.uint8'>
> Sorry... again... how do I make such a scalar... *in C* ?

Whoops.  So you said, in the subject even.   :$


"Oh.  That's different... never mind."  - E Litella.

>   What would
> be the recommended C equivalent of this python code?  Are there C
> type-checking functions for instances of these objects?  Are there C
> functions for converting to and from C scalars?
> Basically, is there a C API for working with these numpy scalars?

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