[Numpy-discussion] Installing on CentOS 5 claims invalid Python installation

Roger Martin roger at quantumbioinc.com
Thu Dec 23 08:13:08 EST 2010


NumPy looks like the way to get computation done in Python.  Now I'm 
going through the learning curve of installing the module into different 
linux OS's and Python versions.  An extra need is to install google 
code's h5py http://code.google.com/p/h5py/ which depends on numpy.

In trying a number of Python versions the 2.x's are yielding the message 
" invalid Python installation"
     raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: invalid Python installation: 
unable to open 
/home/roger/Python-2.6.6/dist/lib/python2.6/config/Makefile (No such 
file or directory)

 From reading on the web it appears a Python-2.x.x-devel version is 
needed.  Yet no search combination comes back with where to get such a 
thing(note: I need user installs/builds for security reasons).  Where 
are Python versions  compatible with numpy?

	Python-2.7.1(fails to build)
	invalid Python installation 	NA
	needs numpy

To start I need just one successful combination but will need more cases 
depending on users of a new integration project.

Interestingly your numpy 1.5.1's setup is in good shape to build with 
Python3.2 yet I need to allow older versions for people's systems not 
ready to upgrade that far.

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