[Numpy-discussion] [PATCH] gfortran under macports

Paul Anton Letnes paul.anton.letnes at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 04:00:42 EST 2010

On 3. des. 2010, at 16.24, Fabian Pedregosa wrote:

> Hi all.
> Macports installs gfortran as part of the gcc package, but names it
> gfortran-mp-$version, without providing a symbolic link to a default
> gcfortran executable, and thus numpy.distutils is unable to find the
> right executable.
> The attached patch very simple, it just extends possible_executables
> with those names, but makes the build of scipy work without having to
> restore to obscure fc_config flags.
> Fabian.
> <0001-FIX-recognize-macports-gfortran-compiler.patch>_______________________________________________
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Correct me if I am wrong here: If you run "(sudo) gcc_select gfortran-mp-XY", where XY are the version numbers (e.g. 45 for gfortran 4.5), you should get symbolic links for the selected gcc/gfortran version. I believe that macports should probably make this clearer, and perhaps automatically when you do a "port install gccXY", but I am not sure if this needs any patching? Again, I might be wrong on this.


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