[Numpy-discussion] Problems building NumPy with GotoBLAS

David david at silveregg.co.jp
Tue Aug 17 01:09:38 EDT 2010

On 08/17/2010 01:58 PM, ashford at whisperpc.com wrote:
> I'm having problems getting the GotoBLAS library (Nehalem optimized BLAS -
> "http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/tacc-projects/gotoblas2/") working properly under
> the Python NumPy package ("http://numpy.scipy.org/") on a quad-core Nehalem
> under FC10.
> The command used to build the library is:
> I'm limiting this to four cores, as I believe HyperThreading will slow it down
> (I've seen this happen with other scientific code).  I'll benchmark later to
> see whether or not HyperThreading helps.
> I built the library (it uses -fPIC), then installed it under /usr/local/lib64,
> and created the appropriate links:
>      # cp libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.a /usr/local/lib64
>      # cp libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.so /usr/local/lib64
>      # cd /usr/local/lib64
>      # ln -s libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.a libgoto2.a
>      # ln -s libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.so libgoto2.so
>      # ln -s libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.a libblas.a
>      # ln -s libgoto2_nehalemp-r1.13.so libblas.so

The .so are only used when linking, and not the ones used at runtime 
generally (the full version, e.g. .so.1.2.3 is). Which version exactly 
depends on your installation, but I actually advise you against doing 
those softlink. You should instead specificaly link the GOTO library to 
numpy, by customizing the site.cfg,



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