[Numpy-discussion] rc2 for NumPy 1.4.1 and Scipy 0.7.2

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Wed Apr 14 10:20:00 EDT 2010

A Wednesday 14 April 2010 15:36:00 Charles R Harris escrigué:
> > /home/faltet/PyTables/pytables/trunk/tables/table.py:38: RuntimeWarning:
> > numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility
> >
> > I'm using current stable Cython 12.1.  Is the warning above intended or
> > I'm doing something wrong?
> I believe Cython decided to issue a warning instead of bailing, which makes
> it usable but constantly annoying. The warning can probably be caught in
>  the __init__ but it would be nice to have some sort of cython  flag that
>  would disable it completely.

Yeah, a flag would be nice.  Ok, I'll have to manage with that then.


Francesc Alted

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