[Numpy-discussion] numpy.numarray.transpose()

Pauli Virtanen pav+sp at iki.fi
Mon Sep 28 11:08:52 EDT 2009

Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:29:30 -0500, Bruce Southey wrote:
> This is not a bug! This specific difference between numpy and numarray
> is documented on the 'converting from numarray' page:
> http://www.scipy.org/Converting_from_numarray

Oh. I completely missed that page. Now, it should just be transferred to 
the main documentation.

Also, it might be possible to make numpy.numarray.ndarray different from 
numpy.ndarray. But I doubt this is high priority -- it may be more 
efficient just to document the fact.

> What actually is incorrect is that the numpy.numarray.transpose has the
> same docstring as numpy.transpose. So it would be very helpful to first
> correct the numpy.array.transpose documentation.

numpy.numarray.transpose is numpy.transpose, so fixing this would involve 
implementing the numarray-style transpose, too.

Pauli Virtanen

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