[Numpy-discussion] Dot product performance on python 2.6 (windows)

"V. Armando Solé" sole at esrf.fr
Fri Sep 11 03:30:30 EDT 2009


I have found performance problems under windows when using python 2.6
In my case, they seem to be related to the dot product.

The following simple script:

import numpy
import time
print "Elapsed time = ",time.time()-t0

reports an "Elapsed time" of 1.4 seconds under python 2.5 and 15 seconds 
under python 2.6

Same version of numpy, same machine, official numpy installers for 
windows (both with nosse flag)

Are some libraries missing in the windows superpack for python 2.6?

Perhaps the reported problem is already known, but I did not find any 
information about it.

Best regards,


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