[Numpy-discussion] genfromtext advice

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Tue Sep 1 07:18:32 EDT 2009

> Mmh, perhaps.
Thanks for the quick reply.

> I'll try to see what I can do. Usually, this message  
> shows up when one of the lines you have read doesn't have the same  
> number of columns as the others. 
Could we add this error to the docstring?
As I suggested, It would be helpful to get the line number where this occurs.

>You mentioned that you're skipping  
> one line : try skipping a few more and check.
Here is an example:

If I skip the first 5512 lines everything goes well.

> You're 100% sure that you didn't miss  
> something in the conversion ?
Yes. And just did it again.
Just edited the html source and then saved to text. no magic.

> Can you post the result  (or send a link  
> to?)
May I add a improvement request and append the file there?


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