[Numpy-discussion] Home for pyhdf5io?

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at gmail.com
Mon May 25 13:39:52 EDT 2009

>From what I understand, netCFD is based on on HDF5, at least as of the
version 4 release.

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 19:19, Eric Firing <efiring at hawaii.edu> wrote:
> Francesc Alted wrote:
>> A Monday 25 May 2009 00:31:43 David Warde-Farley escrigué:
>>> As Robert's design document for the NPY format says, one option would
>>> be to implement a minimal subset of the HDF5 protocol *from scratch*
>>> (that would be required for saving NumPy arrays as top-level leaf
>>> nodes, for example). This would also sidestep any tricky licensing
>>> issues (I don't know what the HDF5 license is in particular, I know
>>> it's fairly permissive but still might not be suitable for including
>>> any of it in NumPy).
>> The license for HDF5 is BSD-based and apparently permissive enough, as can be
>> seen in:
>> http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html
>> The problem is to select such a desired minimal protocol subset. In addition,
>> this implementation may require quite a bit of work (but I've never had an in-
>> deep look at the guts of the HDF5 library, so I may be wrong).
>> Cheers,
> If the aim is to come up with a method of saving numpy arrays that uses
> a standard protocol and does not introduce large dependencies, then
> could this be accomplished using netcdf instead of hdf5, specifically
> Roberto De Almeida's pupynere, which is already in scipy.io as
> netcdf.py?  Or does hdf5 have essential characteristics for this purpose
> that netcdf lacks?
> Eric
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