[Numpy-discussion] Built Lapack, Atlas from source.... now numpy.linalg.eig() hangs at 100% CPU

Chris Colbert sccolbert at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 18:58:45 EDT 2009

just to see if it would work. I compiled against the .so's and just didnt
worry about the linking error. Then i installed numpy and ran numpy.test()

these are the results:

Ran 2030 tests in 9.778s

<nose.result.TextTestResult run=2030 errors=0 failures=0>

so i guess that means its ok..


On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert at gmail.com> wrote:

> aside from a smaller numpy install size, what do i gain from linking
> against the .so's vs the static libraries?
> Chris
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert at gmail.com>wrote:
>> what does ldconfig do other than refresh the library path?
>> i copied the .so's  to /usr/local/atlas/lib and added that path to
>> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/scipy.conf and then did ldconfig
>> this was before building numpy
>> Chris
>> 2009/3/28 Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com>
>>> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Charles R Harris <
>>> charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> 2009/3/28 Chris Colbert <sccolbert at gmail.com>
>>>>> using these flags in make.inc to build lapack 1.3.1 worked:
>>>>> OPTS = O2 -fPIC -m32
>>>>> NOPTS = O2 -fPIC -m32
>>>>> then build atlas as normal and build numpy against the static atlas
>>>>> libraries (building against the .so's created by atlas causes a linking
>>>>> error in numpy build.log.  Numpy will still work, but who knows what
>>>>> function may be broken).
>>>>> Now, off to build numpy 1.3.0rc1
>>>>> Thanks for all the help gents!
>>>> You might need to run ldconfig to get the dynamic linking working.
>>> Oh, and the *.so libs don't install automagically, I had to explicitly
>>> copy them into the library.
>>> Chuck
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