[Numpy-discussion] numpy for 64 bits machine

Vincent Thierion vincent.thierion at ema.fr
Fri Mar 20 06:09:49 EDT 2009


Is there an "easy way" to build numpy on remote 64 bits machines on which I
don't have any roots privilege ?
The shared problem seems related to 64 bits / 32 bits building.


2009/3/20 David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com>

> 2009/3/20 Vincent Thierion <vincent.thierion at ema.fr>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I built the numpy module for 32 bits architecture (it seems the default
> > building). However, my programs using this module have to be launched on
> > remote worker nodes whose architecture can be 32 bits as well 64 bits
> (grid
> > computing). First experimentations on 64 bits machines is bad, my
> programs
> > don't work (problem of shared files). Is there someone who can provide me
> > some documentations or hints to build 64 bits numpy for linux machines
> It is exactly the same as for 32 bits, but you need to build numpy on
> a 64 bits machine (you can't build 64 bits numpy on a 32 bits
> machine).
> The shared problem may be that you forgot to add -fPIC compilation
> flag when building blas/lapack/atlas, but it is hard to tell without
> more details,
> David
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