[Numpy-discussion] numpy and python 2.6 on windows: please test

James Watson watson.jim at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 14:31:37 EST 2009

>> Windows debug extensions have a suffix, d. If you don't install the
>> debug version of numpy, you can't use it with debug Python.

*red face* forgot about --debug.......

> Yes, this has actually nothing to do with python 2.6. I noticed the
> crash, thought naively it would be easy to fix, but it is actually quite
> nasty. I've reverted the change which introduced the crash for the time
> being (r6541).

In case this helps, there are only 2 test lines in a single test in
r6535 which crash the interpreter on python-2.6.1-win32:
numpy/ma/tests/test_mrecords.py, in test_get(),
  - assert_equal(mbase_first.tolist(), (1,1.1,'one'))
  - assert_equal(mbase_last.tolist(), (None,None,None))

mbase[int].tolist() crashes Python in _Py_Dealloc(PyObject *op).
mbase.tolist() does not.

> I am very unfamiliar with how debugging
> works on the python  + windows + VS combination. If you have some
> insight/recommendations, I would be glad to fix this (e.g. how is this
> supposed to work ?)

I'm not sure if there's a better way, but I've found it easiest to run
python via a debug run from within VS, installing and testing numpy
from there.  The 2.6.1 sources build fine with VS2008.


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