[Numpy-discussion] suggestion for generalizing numpy functions

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 09:42:12 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Darren Dale<dsdale24 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Darren Dale <dsdale24 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now that numpy-1.3 has been released, I was hoping I could engage the
>> numpy developers and community concerning my suggestion to improve the ufunc
>> wrapping mechanism. Currently, ufuncs call, on the way out, the
>> __array_wrap__ method of the input array with the highest
>> __array_priority__.
>> There are use cases, like masked arrays or arrays with units, where it is
>> imperative to run some code on the way in to the ufunc as well. MaskedArrays
>> do this by reimplementing or wrapping ufuncs, but this approach puts some
>> pretty severe constraints on subclassing. For example, in my Quantities
>> package I have a Quantity object that derives from ndarray. It has been
>> suggested that in order to make ufuncs work with Quantity, I should wrap
>> numpy's built-in ufuncs. But I intend to make a MaskedQuantity object as
>> well, deriving from MaskedArray, and would therefore have to wrap the
>> MaskedArray ufuncs as well.
>> If ufuncs would simply call a method both on the way in and on the way
>> out, I think this would go a long way to improving this situation. I whipped
>> up a simple proof of concept and posted it in this thread a while back. For
>> example, a MaskedQuantity would implement a method like __gfunc_pre__ to
>> check the validity of the units operation etc, and would then call
>> MaskedArray.__gfunc_pre__ (if defined) to determine the domain etc.
>> __gfunc_pre__ would return a dict containing any metadata the subclasses
>> wish to provide based on the inputs, and that dict would be passed along
>> with the inputs, output and context to __gfunc_post__, so postprocessing can
>> be done (__gfunc_post__ replacing __array_wrap__).
>> Of course, packages like MaskedArray may still wish to reimplement ufuncs,
>> like Eric Firing is investigating right now. The point is that classes that
>> dont care about the implementation of ufuncs, that only need to provide
>> metadata based on the inputs and the output, can do so using this mechanism
>> and can build upon other specialized arrays.
>> I would really appreciate input from numpy developers and other interested
>> parties. I would like to continue developing the Quantities package this
>> summer, and have been approached by numerous people interested in using
>> Quantities with sage, sympy, matplotlib. But I would prefer to improve the
>> ufunc mechanism (or establish that there is no interest among the community
>> to do so) so I can improve the package (or limit its scope) before making an
>> official announcement.
> There was some discussion of this proposal to allow better interaction of
> ufuncs with ndarray subclasses in another thread (Plans for numpy-1.4.0 and
> scipy-0.8.0) and the comments were encouraging. I have been trying to gather
> feedback as to whether the numpy devs were receptive to the idea, and it
> seems the answer is tentatively yes, although there were questions about who
> would actually write the code. I guess I have not made clear that I intend
> to write the implementation and tests. I gained some familiarity with the
> relevant code while squashing a few bugs for numpy-1.3, but it would be
> helpful if someone else who is familiar with the existing __array_wrap__
> machinery would be willing to discuss this proposal in more detail and offer
> constructive criticism along the way. Is anyone willing?

I think Travis would be the only one familiar with that code and that
would be from a couple of years back when he wrote it. Most of us have
followed the same route as yourself, finding our way into the code by
squashing bugs.


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