[Numpy-discussion] Not enough storage for memmap on 32 bit WinXP for accumulated file size above approx. 1 GB

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 06:44:51 EDT 2009

Is PyTables any option for you ?

Sebastian Haase

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Kim Hansen<slaunger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think it would be quite complicated. One fundamental "limitation" of
>> numpy is that it views a contiguous chunk of memory. You can't have one
>> numpy array which is the union of two memory blocks with a hole in
>> between, so if you slice every 1000 items, the underlying memory of the
>> array still needs to 'view' the whole thing. I think it is not possible
>> to support what you want with one numpy array.
> Yes, I see the problem in getting the same kind of reuse of objects
> using simple indexing. For my specific case, I will just allocate a
> new array as containing a copy of every 100th element and return this
> array. It will basically give me the same result as the original
> recarray is for read-only purposes only. This will be very simple
> implement for the specific cases I have
>> I think the simple solution really is to go 64 bits, that's exactly the
>> kind of things it is used for. If your machine is relatively recent, it
>> supports 64 bits addressing.
> The machine is new and shiny with loads of processing power and many
> TB of HDD storage. I am however bound to 32 bits Win XP OS as there
> are some other costum made third-party and very expensive applications
> running on that machine (which generate the large files I analyze),
> which can only run on 32 bits, oh well....
> Cheers,
> Kim
>> cheers,
>> David
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