[Numpy-discussion] Scipy Conference 2009 Lecture Recordings

william ratcliff william.ratcliff at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 14:12:39 EDT 2009

I think for PyCon, a lot of the seminars are online for free (even for non
attendees).  Also, when I've run a workshop, I just asked the speakers to
sign a release form to authorize distribution of videos, etc.  This would be
best to be agreed upon in advance.  Personally, for me, conferences are more
than just the talks....


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Ian Stokes-Rees <
ijstokes at crystal.harvard.edu> wrote:

> > The open source community is all about volunteering and with that
> > being said, I wouldn't expect the conference organizers to necessarily
> > be involved in the cooridination of such an initiative.
> >
> > I almost feel its a duty of someone to pick up the ball and run with it.
> But keep in mind there are costs to running the event, and an associated
> registration fee.  It seems only fair that any webcasting or recording
> only be made available at some cost to the viewers.  I would be happy to
> pay the full conference + tutorial fee for access to this -- it is the
> food + hotel + flight that means I cannot attend.  I'm sure others are
> in the same boat these days.
> Ian
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