[Numpy-discussion] C API refcount question

Dag Sverre Seljebotn dagss at student.matnat.uio.no
Mon Jul 6 09:30:32 EDT 2009

I'm trying to fledge out Cython's numpy.pxd, and have a question:

Is there documentation anywhere, or a simple-to-remember rule, on 
whether the return value of a NumPy C API is incref-ed or not?

E.g. PyArray_BASE, PyArray_DESCR obviously does not incref; while I'm 
assuming that PyArray_New* must incref for successful operation. 
Furthermore PyArray_GETITEM must also incref.

This kind of a priori guessing and source inspection gets tiresome for 
the hundreds of functions I must cover though...

Dag Sverre

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