[Numpy-discussion] example reading binary Fortran file

Ryan May rmay31 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 13:11:57 EST 2009

David Froger wrote:
> import numpy as np
> nx,ny = 2,5
> fourBytes = np.fromfile('uxuyp.bin', count=1, dtype=np.float32)
> ux = np.fromfile('uxuyp.bin', count=nx*ny,
> dtype=np.float32).reshape((nx,ny), order='F')
> print ux
> #===============================================
> I get :
> [[  1.12103877e-43   1.11000000e+02   1.12000000e+02   1.13000000e+02
>     1.14000000e+02]
>  [  1.01000000e+02   1.02000000e+02   1.03000000e+02   1.04000000e+02
>     1.05000000e+02]]
> this function do the trick, but is it optimized?
> #===============================================
> def lread(f,fourBeginning,fourEnd,
> *tuple):
>     from struct import unpack
>     """Reading a Fortran binary file in litte-endian"""
>     if fourBeginning: f.seek(4,1)
>     for array in tuple:
>         for elt in xrange(array.size):
>             transpose(array).flat[elt] =
> unpack(array.dtype.char,f.read(array.itemsize))[0]
>     if fourEnd: f.seek(4,1)
> #===============================================

I'm not sure about whether or not its optimized, but I can tell you that the
"mystery" 4 bytes are the number of bytes it that wrote out followed by that
number of bytes of data.


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma

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