[Numpy-discussion] python numpy code many times slower than c++

Ravi lists_ravi at lavabit.com
Wed Jan 21 11:30:03 EST 2009

On Wednesday 21 January 2009 10:22:36 Neal Becker wrote:
> > [http://mail.python.org/pipermail/cplusplus-sig/2008-October/013825.html
> Thanks for reminding me about this!
> Do you have a current version of the code?  I grabbed the files from the
> above message, but I see some additional subsequent messages with more
> patches.

That is the latest publicly posted code. Since then, there is just one minor 
patch (attached) which enables use of row-major (c-contiguous) arrays.

This does *not* work with strided arrays which would be a fair bit of effort 
to support. Further, you will have to work with the numpy iterator interface, 
which, while well-designed, is a great illustration of the effort required to 
support OO programming in an non-OO language, and is pretty tedious to map to 
the ublas storage iterator interface. If you do implement it, I would very 
much like to take a look at it.


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