[Numpy-discussion] Call for testing: full blas/lapack builds of numpy on windows 64 bits

Darren Dale dsdale24 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 16:46:48 EST 2009

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Nathan Bell <wnbell at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Great, thanks. Do you have VS installed ? Did you install python for
> > all users (I would guess so, but I am not yet clear on all the details
> > on that matter).
> >
> I do not have VS installed.  I just downloaded the official Python
> 2.6.1 msi installer and blindly clicked 'next' a few times.  I then
> installed nose from the source .tar.gz.
> Python was installed to C:\Python26\, which I assume means all users.

Python-2.6.1 msi will only install for all users. "Install just for me" is
not selectable.

Your binary would not install against the 32-bit python-2.6.1. Thats good, I
forgot to check which python installer it gave me by default. I removed the
32 bit python and installed the 64 bit version. In the past I have always
had to run python module installer exe's with administrator privileges,
thats what I did this time with your numpy installer. I got the same results
as Nathan. However, I have the following packages installed:

VC++ 2005 redistributable (32 and 64 bit)
VC++ 2008 express edition sp1
VC++ 2008 redistributable x86
MVS 2008 remote debugger light (x74)
MS windows sdk for VS 2008 headers and libraries
MS windows sdk for VS 2008 SP1 express tools for .Net
MS windows sdk for VS 2008 SP1 express tools for win32

Have you considered distributing the windows installer as an msi? I dont
think you need to run those installers with admin privs on Vista.

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