[Numpy-discussion] Segmentation fault with argsort

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 13:32:55 EST 2009

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Keith Goodman <kwgoodman at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using the numpy 1.3 binary from Ubuntu 9.10. Is this already
> known, fixed, reproducible?
> >> np.array(121).argsort(0).argsort(0)
> Segmentation fault
> The expected result:
> AttributeError: 'np.int64' object has no attribute 'argsort'
> ___

On an old install of fedora 11 with '1.4.0.dev'  I get

In [2]: array(121).argsort(0).argsort(0)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/charris/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: function takes at most 3 arguments (175832141 given)

In [3]: np.array(121).argsort(0).argsort(0)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/charris/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: function takes at most 3 arguments (175832045 given)

Which looks suspicious ;)

Now to update that numpy install... and I get the same error. This is python
2.6, but I don't know what minor version it is.

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