[Numpy-discussion] Merge of date-time branch completed

Travis Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Fri Aug 28 16:43:34 EDT 2009

On Aug 28, 2009, at 12:39 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Travis Oliphant <oliphant at enthought.com 
> > wrote:
> Hello folks,
> In keeping with the complaint that the pace of NumPy development is  
> too fast, I've finished the merge of the datetime branch to the  
> core.  The trunk builds and all the (previous) tests pass for me.
> There are several tasks remaining to be done (the current status is  
> definitely still alpha):
> * write many unit tests for the desired behavior  (especially for  
> the many different kinds of dates supported)
> * finish coercion between datetimes and timedeltas with different  
> frequencies
> * improve the ufuncs that support datetime and timedelta so that  
> they look at the frequency information.
> * improve the way datetime arrays print
> * probably several other things that I haven't listed
> Because of the last point, I will spend my next effort on the work  
> updating the proposal to more clearly define some of the expected  
> behaviors and write documentation about the expected behavior of the  
> new features.
> Help, reviews, criticisms, suggestions, fixes, and patches, are most  
> welcome.
> Umm, replacing the previous code 'M' by '.'  in generate_umath is a  
> bit obscure. Isn't there a better choice than '.' ?
> Please make the multiline comments conform to the standard. I spend  
> a lot of time fixing these up... And you broke some I already fixed.

Sorry about that.   Can you remind me what the standard is?



Travis Oliphant
Enthought Inc.
oliphant at enthought.com

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