[Numpy-discussion] Sanity checklist for those attending the SciPy'09 tutorials

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 05:12:25 EDT 2009

Hi all,

[ sorry for spamming the list, but even though I sent this to all the
email addresses I have on file for tutorial attendees, I know I am
missing a few, so I hope they see this message. ]

In order to make your experience at the scipy tutorials as smooth as
possible, we strongly recommend that you take a little time to install
the necessary tools in advance.

For both introductory and advanced  tutorials:


you will find instructions on what to install and where to download it
from.  In addition (this is also mentioned on those pages), we
encourage you to run according to your tutorial of choice, a little
checklist script:


This will try to  spot any problems early, and we'll do our best  to
help you with them before you arrive to the conference.

Best regards,

Dave Peterson and Fernando Perez.

ps - for those of you who may find fixes for the checklist scripts,
the sources are hosted on github:


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