[Numpy-discussion] GPU Numpy

Romain Brette romain.brette at ens.fr
Thu Aug 6 04:32:31 EDT 2009

Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris <at> gmail.com> writes:

> What sort of functionality are you looking for? It could be you could slip in
a small mod that would do what you want. In the larger picture, the use of GPUs
has been discussed on the list several times going back at least a year. The
main problems with using GPUs were that CUDA was only available for nvidia video
cards and there didn't seem to be any hope for a CUDA version of LAPACK.Chuck

So for our project what we need is:
* element-wise operations on vectors (arithmetical, exp/log, exponentiation)
* same but on views (x[2:7])
* assignment (x[:]=2*y)
* boolean operations on vectors (x>2.5) and the nonzero() method
* possibly, multiplying a N*M matrix by an M*M matrix, where N is large and M is
small (but this could be done with vector operations).
* random number generation would be great too (gpurand(N))

What is very important to me is that the syntax be the same as with normal
arrays, so that you could easily switch the GPU on/off (depending on whether a
GPU was detected).


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