[Numpy-discussion] lsame_ undefined ...

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Sep 25 11:41:04 EDT 2008

thorsten at partita.dartmouth.edu wrote:
> g77, it appears.  This is a somewhat older Red Hat Enterprise Linux
> system, before they switched over to gfortran.

You can't mix both compilers. You have to use either one of them to
build *everything*: blas, lapack, numpy (scipy, etc...). g77 and
gfortran are not ABI compatible.

How did you build numpy (did you give any option to python setup.py build ?)

> I used 3.1.1.

Note that 3.1.1 is from February 2007, so if you literally meant two
years in your former email, you could not use 3.1.1. I can't remember if
lsame is one function which was missing in previous versions of lapack,


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