[Numpy-discussion] windows install problem for 1.2

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 10:25:58 EDT 2008

OK, I was sure this couldn't be the problem since I downloaded it twice and
also downloaded the 1.1 superpack and had the same issue, but here is my

In [9]: md5sum.md5sum('numpy-1.2.0-win32-superpack-python2.5.exe')
Out[9]: '76ebe1fb78694e31e81e3e696be1e310'

which is different.  I will try turning off all virus and firewall stuff and
try again.  How does this happen?


On 10/20/08, David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Ryan Krauss wrote:
> > I need to upgrade my Python installation.  I just uninstalled
> > everything, deleted C:\Python25, installed Python 2.5.2 from the msi,
> > and am now trying to install numpy 1.2 from
> > numpy-1.2.0-win32-superpack-python2.5.exe.  It flashes something up
> > for a second and then goes away giving me no information.  I tried
> > running it from a cmd.exe prompt to see if some helpful message spits
> > out, but it says the program is too big to fit in memory.
> Hi Ryan,
>     This is the 1.1 first time I heard of this problem. I guess you checked
> the obvious (do you have enough ram). What is your platform exactly ?
> Did you check your installer is ok ? Something I should have done is to
> provide for a checksum: here is the checksum for the time being:
> ad603ad13cf403fbf394d7e3eba8b996  numpy-1.2.0-win32-superpack-python2.5.exe
> > Are there prereqs besides Python itself to install numpy 1.2?
> No.
> cheers,
> David
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