[Numpy-discussion] can't build numpy 1.2.0 under python 2.6 (windows-amd64) using VS9

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Oct 10 03:06:26 EDT 2008

Ravi wrote:
> Given that commenting out the section above allows numpy to compile without 
> any apparent side effects, is there any chance we could get "experimental" 
> binaries of numpy 1.2.0 for python 2.6? I do understand that a negative answer 
> is very likely and the reasons therefor.

I started a wiki page on the issues related to windows, 64 bits and
python 2.6 (those issues are somewhat related at some level):


If you want to help, you can try solving one problem. In particular, if
you know how to build ATLAS with Visual studio (for 64 bits support), it
would be really helpful,



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