[Numpy-discussion] 2D phase unwrapping

Fabrice Silva silva at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr
Sat Nov 29 15:57:27 EST 2008

Le samedi 29 novembre 2008 à 21:12 +0200, Nadav Horesh a écrit :
>  From my point of view: If I'll need it, I'll produce a python binding
>  to GERI's code. My schedule is too tight to start this project if not
>  strictly necessary. I have as idea of a simple code that might work
>  for smooth images, that I might try in a few days. I am working on a
>  code to calculate the derivative of the phase avoiding the unwrap.
>  I'll release the code on a request with a BSD licence.

Did you look at the punwrap code (links provided by Jarrod)
> >  https://cirl.berkeley.edu/trac/browser/bic/trunk/recon-tools/src  
> >  https://cirl.berkeley.edu/trac/browser/bic/trunk/recon-tools/root/recon/punwrap

There are already python bindings to 2d and 3d unwrap code. I was asking
what have to be done to include that in scipy or a scikit...
Having a tight schedule too, it seems to me that this task would take
less time than writing a binding to GERI code.
Fabrice Silva <silva at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
LMA UPR CNRS 7051 - équipe S2M

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